




Testimonials About CA Excellence Coaching

Our stats have improved due to ideas from Assistants for Chiropractic Excellence!”

I’ve seen growth in the number of referrals and new patients over the last few months since becoming a member!”

With the strategies we’ve learned, our volume has increased and we’ve had non-stop new patients and also reactivations!”

You’re awesome! I have my CAs sign up for all of your topics. They love it because you have practical info we can use everyday–not just a bunch of fluff.”- Dr. John Kiriakatis, NJ

I am excited; I feel like I did 25 years ago, when I first became a C.A. I want to implement every idea that you have discussed. I want my doctor and my staff to enjoy coming to work and I want our patients to want to come to the chiropractor as part of their healthcare routine and not just because they are in pain. I think that we have forgotten what it means to be a part of the best healthcare venue available to people. We are so consumed with EHR, HIPAA, insurance cuts and employee issues, that we have forgotten the reason we chose chiropractic in the first place.”
– Lori, OH

We have come a long way since starting A.C.E. six months ago. It’s great information & easy to implement!”—Katie, LA

Our collections have grown since we started A.C.E. and we are a much better team!”
- Kadie, MO

Our office visits have gone up along with new patients and referrals!”

A.C.E. is very helpful; I enjoy it each month!” – Janeen, IN

A.C.E. helps us stay focused as a team and to be congruent with our chiropractic message!”
- Jenn

I am so pleased with the results we are getting from A.C.E. Coaching!”- Diane

A.C.E. has helped me to better communicate with the staff and most importantly our patients.” – Jamie, MN

I am making constant and continued improvement in being a CA. A.C.E. has really helped me a lot!” – Erica, MI

We have increased our goals and met them!”- Brittney

Our patients are referring so much that we need another CA!

The systems and procedures we have implemented have streamlined our jobs and made us more productive!” – Jen, MI

I love this program! The energy, positive attitude and empathy that is taught is something that will not only cause a chiropractic practice to flourish, but is also great to display in our everyday life. Thank you Kim!”- Vivian

I think this program is great! It provides useful information to make every office a money maker!”- Dr. Kaplan, PA

I have learned so much from this program: strategy, how to better speak to a patient, cool marketing tools, etc.!”- April

I’m learning how to attract new patients!

I have noticed a great improvement with our front desk CA since we have been with A.C.E. Our collections are much better and she seems to be more aware of her responsibilities and how important they are to the office’s success. Plus it has helped me with new ideas and ways to improve how things can be done more efficiently.”- Lori, PA

I am more educated in talking with our patients, friends and family about chiropractic. We have increased in new patients and most are from referrals! I definitely want to give each and every one of our patients a ‘wow’ experience!”- Jennifer, GA

I am more educated in talking with our patients, friends and family about chiropractic. We have increased in new patients and most are from referrals! I definitely want to give each and every one of our patients a ‘wow’ experience!”- Jennifer, GA

A.C.E. helped our office to focus on growth in every aspect: growing the business, growing personally, growing as a team.”- Dr. Saylor, MI

The inspiration and ideas that come from A.C.E. are very valuable. Not only has A.C.E. helped our office to systematize, but also to consider the value of our communication to our practice members, and with financial consultations. It also helps us realize that whatever we focus on does expand-our office is proof!”- Dr. Ford, CA

A.C.E. has really improved our organization; it makes our office run much more efficiently. The duty systems, recall techniques, marketing ideas and promotional incentives have made a difference in our office.”- Katie, CA

We have broken our record for collections and patient visits! A.C.E. has helped our office to keep patients on track and work better as a team.”- Dr. Bigbie, SC

I feel more confident when I talk with patients because of the information I’m getting from your presentations. Thank you!”- Laura, AR

The program is GREAT!! It has helped our office to realize priorities, work on systems for each procedure performed, build our communication skills with patients and sign up a lot of clients for a year of care. A.C.E. has helped us to realize that it truly takes a ‘team’ to have a successful office! Everyone must really be moving in the same direction to make things work well.”- Dr. Mason, MI

The information, new ideas and advice has been a great addition to our office. We have implemented many of the action steps which has improved both the office and ourselves.”

Each month challenges me as a CA to evaluate how I, personally, do things. Sometimes I feel like I am going through the motions, so this program makes me stop and re-evaluate myself!!

The information on financial policies, systematic forms and procedures, communicating effectively with patients, and the promotional ideas to keep things fun and positive have really made a difference in our office. We have been doing great with A.C.E. We have been getting more families under care and implementing payment guarantees…thanks for all your help!”- Dr. Carlstrom, FL

Thanks for turning on my staff. Your material and energy are really succeeding at engaging them in the process of caring for our patients and growing the practice. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the whole crew coming in excited about new projects and really feeling like they are part of the beneficial experience that patients have in the office. Thank you!” – Dr. Slak, MA

I’m raving about the impact your A.C.E. has had in our office.”- Dr. Ford, CA

A.C.E. has put us all on the same page and given us a clear direction. The exciting part is that we all know where we have to go and what we need to do. This allows the process of re-organization to be fun and much less stressful!”- Laura, NY

We’ve gotten good ideas every month. A.C.E. has helped our office to implement these new ideas and solve some issues we didn’t know how to deal with.”- Dr. Steiger, FL

Thank you for the opportunity to learn from you and A.C.E. Being new at this profession, you have helped me tremendously. I am liking my job and feeling comfortable at what I’m doing.”- Marie, MO

I’m excited that A.C.E. has given me the chance to present my marketing ideas to the doctor and we will be discussing how to make them happen!”

Our office has increased in patient volume.”- Dr. Roodman, VA

It really got me focused. I started to get out into the community more and spread the word about chiropractic. We have broken our record for collections and patient visits! It’s amazing what happens after the course when our staff starts brainstorming about ways to implement the ideas we’ve shared. Thank you for bringing us together. A.C.E. has helped our office to do better with collections, keep patients on track and work better as a team.”- Melissa, SC

The session on successful financial consultations especially helped me…A.C.E. has helped our office to become better overall! Each course has improved our office.”- Julia, IN

We have been able to improve relationships with patients and we have learned to make our office a nicer place to come to. Learning the right way to talk to patients has really made a difference in our office.”- Cheryl, NY

A.C.E. reminds us of WHY we do what we do. Also, when we have a problem we know we are not alone and chances are that another office has or is experiencing the same situation; we give each other suggestions on the Synergy Forum.”- Susan, MI

These courses have focused our attention on our team, our attitude, how we answer the phone, and making sure that not only our patient is comfortable, but the family that comes in with them!”- Monique, AZ

The courses reinforce the chiropractic message, caring about helping others and connecting positively with all people.”

We’re doing better with recalls and new patients.”

I am more focused and determined to do everything I can to help our business succeed and help our community be as healthy as we can help them to be!”

Our office has reached our goal of 300 patient appointments.”- Lauren

We are having better retention by using the strategies we’ve learned.”- Lisa

Overall, our staff is becoming more passionate and educated regarding chiropractic care. Everyone is more confident in their abilities to serve our community.”

We have implemented many tips we’ve learned and have seen GREAT results!

Each action step that we have put into place has always brought us wins. I really appreciate everything that we have learned. This is a great experience it makes us take a look at everything we are doing even the great things and see if we can improve. Thank you so very much Kim.”-Vivian

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