




How to Hire, Train, & Keep GREAT CAs

Access to Kim’s 67-minute power-packed online course plus a 79-page PDF file of implementation materials via electronic download, including:

  • My​ proven classified ad that generates a huge number of applicants who are truly interested in the position

  • Our employment application and clerical test to screen out applicants who would be a waste of time

  • How to conduct the most productive type of interview

  • The most effective training systems

  • The key to team loyalty

  • Day-by-day New CA Training Timeline

  • Our training proficiency log

  • The best way to compensate your CAs

  • Rewards that actually make a difference

  • The benefits of cross-training and rotating schedules

  • Personnel policies that protect you and your office

  • Team communication systems to keep everyone on the same page

  • How and when to conduct employee reviews that motivate your CAs

“The training materials are working beautifully with our new CA!
Thanks, Kim!”

Have you ever added up the cost of hiring the “wrong” person to be a CA in your office? Let’s see, training for 2, 4, 6 or, even 12 months, before you finally conclude that you’ve hired a “dud,” means that you’ve spent $3,500, $7,000, $11,000 or even $25,000 (not including any benefits, holidays, vacations, health insurance, etc., etc.) just to find out you made a big and expensive hiring mistake. I assure you I can help you STOP making those kinds of mistakes for an infinitesimal fraction of the costs listed above.

Our patients constantly rave about our Chiropractic Assistants; one was named CA of the Year by the Michigan Chiropractic Association. Some patients actually tease that they come in just to see our CA’s. I have to admit that I’m extremely proud of our team. They’re bright, energetic, detail-oriented, self-motivated, excellent communicators. Hey, wait a second…that’s part of what I list in our classified ad when I hire a new CA. Well, you know what they say—ask, and you shall receive.

Unfortunately, I can’t say I’ve always been quite as proud of our CAs. There was a time when it seemed like we were quite satisfied with warm bodies and suffered from a high turnover rate. You know—that revolving door staff syndrome? Thank goodness that was more than a decade ago. And since that time, we’ve had very low staff turnover, which is amazing considering how transient of a town Ann Arbor, Michigan is. In addition, the CAs that we do lose, leave for reasons such as becoming a chiropractor or relocating out-of-state.

What I’m sharing is NOT some platform talk of generic steps to hiring. Our practice actually depends upon the proven formulas that I’ve developed for hiring, training and keeping incredible CAs. Say goodbye to being short-staffed and stressed-out!

So, whether you’ve been left in the lurch or are being held hostage by CAs who should express their potential elsewhere, my special Hiring & Training package is for you. I’ll teach you how to find and keep the right team members for your office.

Cost: $247 (A.C.E. Members: $147)

A.C.E. Members: log in to receive your discounted price.

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