




About Kim

While managing First Choice Chiropractic since 1995, Kim Klapp has spoken for many chiropractic universities, colleges, companies and associations.

An author and coach, she founded Assistants for Chiropractic Excellence (A.C.E.) in 2000 which provides quality CA coaching and training via monthly online courses. Kim Klapp teaches chiropractic teams the most up-to-date techniques and communication strategies for generating more referrals, collections and patient compliance.

Kim with late husband, Dr. Tom Klapp, and their daughter, Tori.


“I created Assistants for Chiropractic Excellence (A.C.E.) in 2000 when there was a massive dearth of quality resources for chiropractic assistants. While many DC-based coaching companies have added some CA training to their programs, they remain focused primarily on the chiropractor. Alternatively, A.C.E. is focused on the the entire team. Why? CAs are the gatekeeper for new patients, referrals, retention and collections in a chiropractic office; CAs are truly the most valuable asset in your practice. Furthermore, I actually currently run a chiropractic office in Michigan. Unlike many other coaches and chiropractic gurus, the success strategies that I teach are not based on theory, or what used to work, but on high-volume profitable practice in today’s environment. Whether your practice is long established or brand new, whether you have one CA or a large team, there’s always room for growth. I’m looking forward to helping your team reach new levels of excellence.”

— Kim Klapp


  • Team Leader of First Choice Chiropractic of Ann Arbor, 1995 – Present

  • Team Leader of First Choice Chiropractic of Northville, 2001 – 2012

  • Director and Coach, Assistants for Chiropractic Excellence (A.C.E.), founded in 2000

  • National co-presenter of B.O.L.T. (Benefit-Oriented Long-Term) Chiropractic Seminars with Dr. Tom Klapp, 1996 – 2002

  • 2X+1 Mastermind Coach, 2000 – 2001

  • Speaker for many state chiropractic associations, including Michigan, Florida, Washington, Virginia, Ohio, Nebraska, New York, Connecticut, North Dakota, New Jersey, Oregon, Louisiana, Kansas, Montana, etc.

  • Guest speaker for Life University and Life Vision

  • Guest speaker for ChiroEurope

  • Guest speaker for International Chiropractic Association

  • Guest speaker for League of Chiropractic Women

  • Guest speaker for Northwestern Health Sciences

  • Guest speaker for Life West WAVE

  • Guest speaker for The Masters Circle

  • Guest speaker for Parker Seminars

  • Guest speaker for Five Star Management

  • Guest speaker for ChiroDestiny

  • Author of Office Systems Reference Guide, 2000-2019

  • Author of articles published in numerous chiropractic publications including: Dynamic Chiropractic, Today’s Chiropractic, Chiropractic Economics and LifeStyles

  • Contributing author for Creating a Fitness & Wellness Profit Center, 2005

  • Executive Coordinator of the Michigan Chiropractic Association, 1994 – 1995

  • Supervisory Committee Member of the Chiropractic Federal Credit Union, 1995 – 2015

  • Distinguished Contribution Award, Michigan Chiropractic Council

  • President’s Award, Michigan Chiropractic Council

  • Bachelor of Arts Degree with Academic Honors, University of Michigan, 1993

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